What type of aircraft can i fly with my commercial pilot's license?

A commercial pilot license allows you to fly single-engine aircraft (Cessna 172, Diamond Da40, Piper M350, etc.) Both types are used for CPL flight training. A CPL holder can also fly any aircraft as long as its maximum takeoff weight is 5,700 kg. More than that weight, you need a type or instrument classification. The type of aircraft you can fly also depends on the type of job you have as a pilot.

For example, a flight instructor usually flies the single-engine or twin-engine aircraft used in flight training, while an air taxi or charter pilot usually flies a Winair Twin Otter or others of the same type and category. So is it worth getting this license? Well, possibly. There are several jobs you can do with a CPL. These include tasks such as cleaning crops and other agricultural activities, patrolling oil pipelines, towing banners, chartering airplanes, tourist and ferry flights, aerial photography, traffic surveillance, and other similar professions.

That sounds like a lot, but the problem is that there are a lot of CPL holders looking for relatively few jobs. But let us take a brief look at some of the jobs that might be available to you. Airline pilots operate regular passenger flights. To fly as an airline pilot, you must have an Air Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate, which is the highest pilot license issued by the FAA.

However, all pilots must start by obtaining their private pilot's license and then their commercial pilot's license before they can obtain an ATP certificate. First of all, regardless of the route you choose, you must obtain your pilot student certificate. The pilot student certificate is a plastic card that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sends you by mail when you complete the IACRA, found here. Aviators with a sports pilot certificate are usually eligible to fly light sports aircraft and experimental aircraft.

This is an interesting category even for the most experienced jet pilots, as these types of aircraft usually require concentration and a great ability to fly with the hand in order to operate safely. It may seem limited given the number of planes entering and leaving an airport, but when a pilot obtains his private pilot certificate, the law allows hundreds of planes to enter. So, can cargo pilots choose their schedule? For many companies, seniority determines the likelihood of getting the desired flights. Some aircraft require a specific type classification, which requires spending time in the cockpit with a flight instructor and FAA control.

Unlike the other three types of pilots listed above, the commercial pilot is licensed (not certified) to fly in exchange for compensation or rent. ATP Flight School is the country's leading flight school for airline-oriented flight training and has partnered with United to offer ATP students the fastest path to a successful pilot career with United. Commercial pilots are paid to fly as pilots, carry cargo and passengers, as well as to perform other operations, such as aerial prospecting and search and rescue. Being an airline pilot can be a very rewarding profession, both from an economic point of view and in terms of job satisfaction.

In addition to the different types of pilots, there are three different CFI certificates and a remote pilot certificate (for flying drones) available for those who want to teach, fly for the airline or fly unmanned aerial vehicles. Overview of the educational, medical, legal, certification and qualification requirements to become a commercial pilot and fly on major regional airlines. A commercial pilot's license, or certificate, is a type of pilot's license that allows a person to operate an aircraft in exchange for compensation. As a commercial pilot, you must also have a second-class medical certificate, where a more scrupulous examination is necessary.

Most of what you see at large airports is only flown by pilots with a multi-engine category and an air transport pilot's license. Aerial photography is sometimes done part-time, and the company also uses its pilots for other jobs.

Thelma Solina
Thelma Solina

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